New York: Lots of good eating fish for the intelligence of children. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are required for the brain, eyes and central nervous system. Eating fish rich in nutrients can reduce the risk of exposure to heart disease.
Omega-3 contains eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Many studies directly linking that fish is very beneficial for nursing mothers because it can improve memory and performance development in children up to age three years.
for pregnant women is important to know the number of servings of fish consumed and fish species that are considered safe to eat, as quoted from page Here are tips on eating fish that can ignite the benefits of omega-3 for health:
First, eat fish as much as 12 ounces per week during your pregnancy. Type of fish rich in Omega-3 include salmon, herring, cod, and eggs.
Secondly, it was thought that eating fish, sharks and swordfish are at risk of mercury contamination. Mmakan Eating fish can cause poisoning of this type of neurotoxin, which can be dangerous for anyone, especially for infants.
Third, the fish is not the only option. These types of foods that contain omega-3, ie walnut, butternut, beechnut, and granola. Also there are milk products are good for consumption, such as mozzarella cheese and milk (or milk fat 3.25 per cent).
Fourth, Omega-3 is also present in fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, guava, lemon oil (with skin), beans, cauliflower, lettuce, sprouts, broccoli, radish and spinach seed. Spices are rich in omega-3, ie, fresh basil, dried oregano, clove, and canola oil.
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